Student accused of terrorism after opening a window on a bus

Bad start of the academic year for Sam Dickerson, a second year student at Columbia University in New York, who was arrested by the police and is being investigated on charge of terrorism after he dared to open a window on a bus full of old retirees on Friday.

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“I was going to the market to buy some vegetables to make a soup when this guy got on the bus. He was unshaved and looks like regular satanist junkie, like all young people of his age”, said Mrs. Shepherd, a survivor of the slaughter.

“Until we figure out what’s going on he grabbed the window with his hands and started to pull on it. It was a havoc, Sir ! A terrible stream of air was made suddenly which has irreparably damaged us. I was lucky though, because I hid under the skirt of a Hispanic woman and put my fingers in my ears, but others have not escaped. Their masses were inflamed, and the sciatica, and the kidneys… The motherfucker deserves the electric chair for what he did to us !”, another survivor of the slaughter in the bus, veteran of the Vietnam War told us.

As the Emergency Service says, as the result of the attack, at least 15 people required anti-rheumatic grease rubbing and suckers on their back, the incident being among the worst in America. If found guilty, Sam Dickerson may get at least 25 years of punisment to stay in a row at Health Assurance.

Radu C. Crahmaliuc

SOURCE: Catavencii

Translated and adapted by Doctor Parrot


    • You are right, my friend… I have been tried hard to find a good translator, but I’ve not been succssful. I tried with Dormouse, but he always sleeps and the Hare is crazy… So I’m happy with a parrot, though he doesn’t understand anything… Anyway, it’s better than nothing ! 🙂

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